Tuesday, 8 March 2011

Milton - Batemans Bay - Braidwood

Saturday 5th march 2011.

Today is mardi gras day in Sydney. Not that that means much to me. Other than being a good day not to venture in to the city because it is so busy. My wife announced that she was going to join a school friend and watch the mardi gras parade. The school friend has done this many times and knows of an accessible vantage point. So after contemplating a night at home arguing with the teenagers, I thought this would be a good time to have an overnight trip on the bike. After mentioning the idea to my wife and seemingly getting away with it, I planned the trip. A bit. I wanted to keep my options open.

Saturday morning and it was overcast and threatening rain in Sydney. I decided that I didn’t want to be known as one of those wussy fair weather bike riders, so I got out the wet weather gear, packed the bags and loaded up the Thunderbird.

I left home about 10.30 in a light drizzle of rain. The drizzle continued all the way to Wollongong. The wet weather gear earned its keep and the Thunderbird couldn’t care less. The long haul touring seat was working a treat so I hit Wollongong and kept going. The weather improved considerably from there on.

I travelled straight down the Pacific Highway this time. No sight seeing yet. Straight on through Albion Park, Kiama, Berry, Nowra and on to Milton.. Traffic was light and the riding was enjoyable. I got to Milton at 1.30 and I was determined to sample Pilgrims Café. See Cafes and Pubs.
I left Milton and headed of towards Batemans Bay. There was very little traffic on the road so I was able to open up and enjoy the ride. Some very good forest landscapes with the odd valley opening up between.

I stopped at Batemans Bay for Petrol and then turned onto the Kings Highway heading towards Braidwood. This was a very interesting road. Some good twisties, occasionally slowing down to hairpin bends. The mountains and forests gradually gave way to rolling hills that got a little browner as I moved away from the coast. I went through the small town of Nelligen on the Clyde River which is as picturesque as it is small. I passed group of 20 or 30 bikes stopped there at a petrol station.

I then headed on to Braidwood where I had decided to stay the night. Braidwood is a very old town with some classic early Australian buildings, although quite a few of them seem to be empty.

The third motel I tried had a vacancy. Apparently this is a normal weekend in Braidwood. Torpy’s Motel is an unusual place. The reception/office is a very old and interesting house with some motel units built behind it. I knew the instant I met Andy that he was an unusual character. He told me that he ran the Motel on weekends but had some one else ran it during the week while he and his wife where in Sydney advising companies how to reduce there carbon footprint. And Andy practices what he preaches. The lights in my room have either \had the globe removed or are so dull I have had to sit outside to type this. He has also installed soap dispensers, and in a

Torpys - reception

Torpys - rooms

Torpys - Thunderbird undercover

hand made timber box, coffee and sugar dispensers that drop coffee or sugar into your cup. One teaspoons at a time with each flick of the dial. Very efficient. Very carbon neutral.

After a shower and freshen up I walked down the main street and took some photos. It was very quite for a Saturday night. I wandered into the Royal Mail Hotel where I found they served meals from 6pm. As it was 5.30 I thought I would have a couple of beers and wait. The pub was very quite a with just a few locals all known by the bar staff on a first name basis.
Royal Mail Hotel - Braidwood

Braidwood - main street

Braidwood Hotel
 By the time I thought it was time to order, The place was filling up and suddenly there was a queue at the bar ordering dinner.

I finally got my order in and after a half hour wait, my crumbed lamb cutlets with vegies and mash hit the spot quite nicely. Dependable pub food. No surprises. No disappointments.

Back to the motel to type some notes, in the dark, and get some sleep. The plan for tomorrow is Bungendore, Canberra, Goulburn, Wilton Appin Bulli and if the weather is OK and I am up to it Home through the National Park.

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